Helpful Resources

Supporting student well-being is integral to academic success and achievement. Part of Temple University’s mission, a collaborative faculty and administration are part of student development. These resources offer information, training, and connection as we each explore how to promote well-being without our scope of practice, expertise, and role in campus life.  

Learn: Where to Begin?  

Temple University’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) worked with campus offices to bring a series of trainings on trauma-informed learning and mental health stigma reduction to faculty. These series were then organized into posts for their EDvice Exchange. 

Tip: Be sure to follow the CAT for updates on teaching best practices and ways to enhance student experiences within the classroom.  

In January 2022, the WRC hosted a virtual mental health resource panel to help students learn about the range of supports available on campus [PDF, 56.8 KB]

Active Minds is a national nonprofit organization supporting mental health promotion and education for young adults. They co-authored Creating a Culture of Caring Faculty Resource [PDF, 1,432 KB] with Association of College and University Educators. 

Practice: Resources for Canvas & Learning Spaces 

We can shift the cultural narrative around well-being by incorporating resources and messages into student staff training, Canvas modules, or learning space activities. 

Grow: Professional Development & Mentorship  

Temple University employees have access to the Human Resources Training learning management system, where we can register for self-guided online courses and live trainings: